
The One is a 2 day experience to profoundly shift your ability to communicate, lead & effect change.


Perth, AUS

Gold Coast, AUS

Auckland, NZ

Hawkes Bay, NZ

Queenstown, NZ

Arizona, USA

○ Perth, AUS ○ Gold Coast, AUS ○ Auckland, NZ ○ Hawkes Bay, NZ ○ Queenstown, NZ ○ Arizona, USA

The One has been described as ‘a catalyst for change’, and ‘something that every person needs to do’.

Although many people report big shifts in their motivation after the two days, this is not a motivational, ‘ra-ra’ thing. The purpose of this experience is to open up your range of effectiveness, and capacity across a range of areas, resulting in big shifts across a wide range of domains in their life, both professionally and personally.


What kind of results might you expect from doing this?

The following results are constant themes reported in post event evaluation, 8 - 12 weeks after the event

  • People consistently report a substantial shift in their communication after the event- Speaking up in moments they would’ve previously held back in Hearing more in the communication than what they were able to previously “I can now see alot more levels of whats going on for people and in communication, and have a different level of being able to redirect stuff thats not effective and forward moving.

  • A consistent theme reported on throughout the interviews was an ability to speak up and be more directive.

    Many people said that prior to the event they would think certain things in their head that they could contribute, but not say them out loud. There were numerous reports on shifts in meetings, team situations and projects. Which included projects that they werent directly responsible for.

    A theme that cropped up was a greater sense of ownership and contribution, which had people contributing and speaking up where they could see that their input could improve outcomes in a greater sense than just in their own areas.

    Many people reported an increased level of directness in communication, including an ability to hear and redirect non-productive communication.

    One lady said that in the past she would have ‘side conversations’ with people at work, and she’s now cut those out in favour of being more direct in her interactions.

    Many people gave examples of where they would have ‘skirted’ around conversations in the past, and now no longer doing so.

  • Able to elevate leadership in those around me

  • This was something that was reported on a lot. Some said it was due to not being up in their heads over thinking things. Others said it was due to being able to see a bigger perspective. One man said that he has become more able to see whats going on with other people now as he’s no longer just focussed on his own work, and thats given him a greater ability to see solutions that affect more people. Many people reported an ability now to see a more systemic viewpoint which has allowed them to see solutions that they werent seeing before.

  • Many participants reported that their responses to conflict have changed.

    For some this stemmed from a shift in how they now perceive conflict. Others said they were now able to hear constructive criticism and feedback in a way they weren’t able to previously which had them being more effective in moments of conflict.

    There was also multiple reports of being able to see and respond from a more systemic viewpoint impacting their responses to conflict and challenging conversations.

  • A common area of participant feedback is around decision making. Reporting that they are more naturally decisive now than before the event, creating ripple effects on many levels.

    One lady said that she used to overthink things so much that she would be up in her head alot of the time. Another lady said that she would keep blocking herself from taking action when she could see opportunities. There were many more reports like this.

  • This was reported on in many different ways. Some people talked about being able to see a larger picture of what was at play, and hence making their decisions from a different level of perspective. Others talked about the ability to hear more of what was going on for people in conversations, and then be more discerning as a result. Others talked about being more freed up from being stuck in their own ‘stuff’ and hence able to see more of what was going on around them. Hence, being able to be more discerning.

"All schools need to be sending their staff to do this work”

“As an Assistant Principle I’m seeing massive shifts in the level and quality of my own leadership at school. My communication is at a whole new level. Before the event I hadn’t understood how to raise up leadership around me, and so I ran around solving everyones problems for them. I was exhausted and things weren’t shifting. Now Im able to see and respond to things in a really different way, and Im seeing the impact of that not only with our staff, but also the feedback that Im hearing from the parents I’m liaising with”

- Trish Haronga, Assistant Principle

"I'm no longer overworking, am more efficient with that time and getting better results"

Before the event I felt like I was swimming in mud all the time and was burnt out. I'm no longer overworking, am more efficient with that time and getting better results. My wellbeing has improved and my systems are better. I've strengthened my own self leadership, and I'm seeing the results of that in many places.

I led a large hui just days after The One, and the nerves I'd been having were gone. If I hadn't have done The One, I wouldn't have been as confident and sure of myself. The outcome was hugely positive.

- Sarah Orr, Regional Manager

"The shift in my communication has been huge”

”I'm able to advocate for and negotiate things now that I would've never allowed myself to do before. In the past I would've blocked myself from speaking up at that level. There's been a shift in my thinking where I'm seeing more. It's like my thinking has been freed up. The shift in my communication has been huge and l'm no longer overthinking and so my decision making is quicker, and I'm able to zoom out and see a bigger picture these days which allows me to get out of controlling all the stuff I used to get so stuck in."

- Lena Redman. Youth Mental Health Educator

"It gets me a little emotional when I think about all the shifts"

"I used to have ways to divert the attention off of myself and onto others, so I got good at hiding. Since The One that's shifted a lot. I'm now speaking up when I feel I need to speak, my confidence has grown, and i'm seeing the results of that in my business - I've got more clients, more bookings to run workshops and more guest speaking opportunities. All people, and especially wahine in New Zealand need to do this."

- Jodie Reid, Rongoa Practitioner


The Learning Process

During the two days of The One, we use a generative learning process designed to extend a person’s learning potential and capacity.

Participants are invited to be directly involved in the process, through which new understandings emerge.

From here, each person is able to generate practical insights and new actions that translate back into their lives after the

“To not go would be detrimental to your future leadership”

“It has been absolutely transformational and I’m really pleased that I came. Really pleased that I came. Trying to find the words to express that is not easy when its bigger when you may have anticipated. An absolute honour and gratitude for the mahi that Kate and Henare do”

“Get in the room!”

”Its been more impactful and I’ve had more revelations and light bulb moments go off than anything I’ve ever looked at in this leadership space before. The training style is so different to anything I’ve ever experienced before. That ability to sit in the inquiry and to sit with the generative thinking, you’re not being spoken at, you’re being invited to make some inquiries for yourself”

"The shifts I've had have been essential for my social impact work"

"I led an event with 100 people for the first time and the negative self talk feels like such a non issue for me now. My communication has shifted and l'm able to redirect conversations as needed. There's been a shift in my boundaries that's totally new. Boundaries are now unapologetically easy. Another huge shift is that I'm no longer seeing people as above me - and because of that, I’m able to be a whole lot more immediate and effective in moving things forward."

“I’ve been able to have conversations that I’ve avoided for a lifetime”

“It's been tripping me out all the changes that’ve happened since. So much has happened in a short period of time. I've lost 15 kgs, got employee of the month, and I’ve started repairing family relationships. At work I’m speaking up and am sharing ideas that will benefit the whole team. On a personal level, I’m letting my family know what Im thinking and feeling without being aggressive. I’ve been able to have conversations that I’ve avoided for a lifetime. My confidence has gone up hugely, and for the first time in my life, Im actually feeling proud of myself.”

“I’m now doing more things with my time that I really love”

“Two months later I’ve taken a big turn with a lot of pivotal shifts, and that all started at The One. There’s a lot of things I no longer feel anxiety around and Ive really taken my foot off the accelerator. Which is interesting, because I seem to be getting better results now in many ways, including with my business. In the past I felt a responsibility to provide answers and solutions for the people in my life. Whereas now Im able to step back and trust that they can come up with their own insights. Not having to have the answers for everyone is actually a huge relief. I’m now doing more things with my time that I really love and its been making me really happy.”

Select the location closest to you to lock in your tickets

Perth, Australia: 11th & 12th May 2024 —> Click here for tickets
Gold Coast, Australia: 18 & 19 May 2024 —> Click here for tickets

Queenstown, New Zealand: 13 & 14 July 2024 —> Click here for tickets
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand: 20 & 21 July 2024 —> Click here for tickets
Auckland, New Zealand: 21 & 22 September 2024 —> Click here for tickets

Arizona, USA: 26 & 27 October 2024 —> Click here for tickets